Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Who doesn't love to paint!
I didn't take many picutes over Thanksgiving, but I did get a few at the pottery shop. We gave Robert's mom a platter for Christmas that all the girls helped with. To keep the little ones occupied, we decided to let them each paint their own ornaments. Too bad the ornaments were about 2 inches big. Tate painted her ornament in two seconds, then painted her shirt, the table, and her tongue. Thankfully the boys took the little girls home after their part on the platter was complete. Kassie, Lydia, and I stayed to peacefully wrap things up.
Posted by The Robertson Family at 6:32 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Where shopping is a pleasure (really!!!)
I LOVE Publix. Some people (my husband) say that it is more expensive than other stores. It does not matter to me.....it is so pleasant to shop there. About two weeks ago I had taken Max to the vet for another nauseatingly expensive trip. After the vet, I had to go to Publix to get a medicine for him. When I got there, the pharmacist asked me if the medicine I was getting was for my dog. I said yes. She sort of looked at me funny and asked me for $95. I about passed out. After a fat bill at the vet I refused to pay $95 at a human pharmacy for my dog! She was so sweet...she noticed I was not happy (I am not sure how you couldn't). She asked me to call my vet and let her talk to him. She gave him a list of several medicines that they provide for free. And guess what, one of them could do the same job as the $95 medicine. So... I left with a free Medicine from Publix for my dog.
Yesterday, we had to have something filled at the pharmacy for Tate. While we sat there waiting Tate was admiring the Thanksgiving balloons. The sweet lady that was putting out flowers noticed Tate was fascinated by the balloons. She walked over, filled up a balloon for Tate, and gave it to her. I picked up my (once again free) antibiotic, and out we went. A balloon and some ear infection medicine-ALL FOR FREE. That is hard to come by these days. Tate said "Wow" the entire way home. That sweet lady at Publix made her day!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 5:56 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Trip to Montgomery!
Yesterday we went to Montgomery to meet Baby Wyn Brown. He is so cute and such a good baby. Tate and Anna Belle had a great time playing! Here are some pictures from our trip:
Posted by The Robertson Family at 2:44 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Best Entertainment!
I know I complain about stinky dogs and dog hair all the time, but these two guys have been the best entertainment and company for Tate lately. She loves to pile all sorts of things (toys, shoes, hairbrushes) around them. Lately she has been really into pointing out their facial features...eyes, mouth, ear.
"Lennie's Ear"
Posted by The Robertson Family at 7:37 PM 0 comments
My Little Secret
This morning I was fixing breakfast (yummy Better Batter pancakes) and I heard Tate whining for something. I peaked around the corner and saw this:
She is into EVERYTHING so I really didn't think much about her pulling the filing cabinet drawer open. I went to close it because I didn't want it to tumble over on her. When I got over there I discovered she has been leaving a small stash in it:
Four pacifiers and a disgustingly old sippy cup of milk. UHHH! What if she had been able to reach that "chunky" cup of milk. She would be one sick cookie. The pacifiers are now in the dishwasher and I couldn't stand the thought of opening that sippy cup, so it is in the trash!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 5:45 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friday night we went Trick or Treating with a group from our neighborhood. Tate had a great time getting candy from all the houses. Once we finished with our neighborhood, we went to Jon and Britt's rental house to pass out candy. All the kids crashed inside. It was a fun night!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 12:15 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ready for the Cold!
It has quickly turned towards colder weather here in Birmingham! Last year Tate was definitely a hat baby!
This year she won't even think about a hat! We discovered today when she went outside to play with her Mimi (on this freezing cold October day), she could not pull her hood off.
We had our 2nd Annual Halloween playgroup today. Last year it was much easier to have them keep on their costumes b/c most of them were too small to fight it!
This year was very different-toddlers running all over the place....(some younger siblings joined our group as well!)
Posted by The Robertson Family at 7:23 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
One Good Reason to have a Washing Machine in the Kitchen:
It is the perfect spot for "hide n seek." It was great entertainment while I was trying to fix Tate's dinner. Lennie even got to play!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 7:14 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Vulcan After Tunes!
This past Sunday we spent the afternoon at the "Vulcan". They have an event called "Vulcan After Tunes" in the Fall. They have music, drinks, and food. It was a great time. I am not sure why we have not gone before. You just take a blanket and enjoy the music. Tate had a blast dancing and rolling all around in the grass. If you are in Birmingham...there is one more left this Fall. We hope to be there!
My 91 year old grandfather is in the hospital. Some members of my family seem to think that he might be falling mentally. I think he is just 91 and set in his ways. I am sure if I am lucky enough to make it to 91 I will be the same way!!
The situation isn't easy for anyone involved. Please keep him in your prayer!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 7:04 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Boo at the Zoo!
We made plans this year to go to the Ole Miss/Auburn game. Everything is set: Rv, tickets, babysitter. The game is Nov. 1st. I guess you can say I was a little slow about this, but i just realized that Oct. 31st is the Firday night before the game. Uhh...I am supposed to be here taking Tate trick or treating. Robert's mom will be here and said she would take her...but I still feel really guilty about this. To make it up to her I have located just about every fall festival in town. We will be at them all! Friday night began the fun. We went to "Boo at the Zoo". We went with some friends. Tate is a duck this year. The hat makes the costume, but she isn't very fond of it. Besides burning up in her costume, she had a really great time! Hope the rest of them are just as fun!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 11:25 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Santa just got a little crafty!
Last Saturday I went to Montgomery to celebrate the soon to be arrival of Baby Brown #2. As I was waiting on the girls for lunch I picked up a Montgomery Parents magazine that was in the restaurant. There was a picture of a "homemade ugly doll" and it had directions. Well, I attempted it and it actually turned out pretty cute. It is being shipped off to Santa and if Tate can be "nice" (not naughty) she will see it on Dec. 25th.
Posted by The Robertson Family at 12:44 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A Little Fall Yard Work!
It is feeling great here in Birmingham. This weekend we got a few fall flowers and planted them. Tate enjoyed helping out!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 6:56 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Run, Run Forrest!
Right now I wish I was Forrest Gump and could just "run".
Yes, we just got back from a great week long beach trip, but before that and after that my husband has been out of town. Uh.....it is outrageously frustrating (he is probably going to kill me for writing this). I have a HUGE respect for single parents and military wives (leslie) b/c it is tough stuff being at home all day and night with a baby and two dog.
Tate has an extremely strong personality and has learned to master a "temper tantrum". She is very "clingy" to me right now too. Well, we attempted to go to Supper Club tonight and it wasn't a great idea. Usually she does good. We set up a "pack n play" and she snoozes off about time for dinner. Well, tonight, of course, she chooses to be quite unpleasant. I try to put her down, but she would not have it.....so I just think....she can play a little while I eat real quick and then we will leave. Keep in mind there are 3 other babies there, ranging from 7 months to 18months....all acting like angels. As I fix my plate and sit (with her in my lap-and the whole group seated and eating) she just starts screaming. I decide it would be best if we just leave. The sweet host helps me to the car (probably thrilled I finally decided to take her home). My "to go" plate was delicious, but the much wanted company ended up being my TV and not the people I was looking forward to hanging out with (I know this is just a pity party for myself). My mom would probably say it is "cruel" for me to take her to a gathering like that. I think for my sanity the attempt was ok.
When I get home...my sweet dog Max(the lab):
...is shaking his head. Well, if you don't know the story Max has had a "bad" ear since he was a puppy. He was bitten by one of his litter mates in the ear and it grew almost closed up. He had surgury for this (which cost a pretty penny) and he still has chronic ear infections (my next pet will have pet insurance). So the shaking head tonight tells me another ear issue. His ear will probably cause Tate to be a high school graduate only because we have had to "shovel" money into this stinking ear for five years. MAybe she can sell lemonade to get to college. Well, the latest vet told us to get him to Auburn's vet clinic to have them check it out. So tonight on the phone Robert and I are trying to discuss this issue while he is thousands of miles away...and as you can probably guess....it ended on not the best terms. I refuse to keep jumping vets with this ear....but to travel back and forth to AU with my sassy Tate and a part time job (which I do love)...not happening any time soon.
Enough on my pity party. Things just didn't roll my way today...that happens..my day could have been alot worse. At least Robert has a job to send him places. And thank goodness I have a little girl to be as sassy as she is!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 7:08 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Beach in September!
Deleted the pictures off this post to get rid of that music....
For some reason I cannot get these pictures to cooporate. So, I will just give you all the info. down here.
Robert's grandmother, Mae, turned 80 two weekends ago. We headed to Clayton to celebrate. She had a party at her house, and the whole town of Clayton and probably every surronding area was there. It was really fun. Mae had a great birthday!
Robert's mom packed a toy box for the girls (Lydia, Ellison, and Tate). Tate quickly found the belly dancer skirt and was determined to wear it everywhere. It was so funny. I guess it is time to pull out all those old dancing costumes my mom has been saving for years. We will be writing a letter to Santa asking for some dress up clothes!
From Clayton we headed to the beach. It was amazing how different this trip was from our July trip. Tate LOVED the beach. She picked up shells in her bucket, loved the sand (which she wasn't very fond of in July), and had to be in the water. She wasn't scared at all. She would just run straight into the ocean. She had a "love-hate" relationship with the raft. She would want to be in it..then out...then in, etc.
While we were at the beach we discovered that Tate has a thing for apples. She found and apple at the beach at sat down and at the entire thing. It was hilarious! I have never seen anything like it. The next day Robert's sister, Kassie, had one in her beach bag. Again, tate found it and and it was gone in no time at all. She looks like a horse eating those big apples!
The rocking horse picture has nothing to do with the beach. My knitting group gave it to me before I had Tate and it is her new best friend. She rocks on it all the time. She also likes to drag it all over the house. It is great for knocking things over!
Robert's mom had a photographer come down to the beach one evening to get pictures. It was pretty funny watching himtrying to get pictures of the three girls together. I am sure six adults singing "Old McDonald" behind a little round man with a camera was a pretty funny sight. Lydia had to pretty much keep Tate in a "head lock" so she wouldn't run into the ocean.
Posted by The Robertson Family at 1:38 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
First Day of School!
Last weekend we were at my parent's house for Labor Day. The boys always love to go to the creek. Tate got to have her first creek experience as well. She loved it, but wanted to be free to play.
Posted by The Robertson Family at 11:56 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My, What Manners You Have!
Leslie, this is for you...Did Tate call Andrew to get the details of spitting? We just finished lunch and Tate was running around with her sippy cup. The next thing I know... there is milk all over the floor, and all over her. She was spitting it outeverywhere. Lovely! Such nice manners. As you can tell by the picture she thought it was great fun!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 10:26 AM 5 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
School, Molars, Owls, Dogs, and Houses!!
School-Tate and I are both getting ready to start school. This week we have had "work week". I am very excited about being back at school. I think Covenant is going to be a great place to work with a "little one." Tate has been going to the nursury at church. She, on the other hand, is NOT a big fan. Hopefully once school starts, and she is in her actual classroom she will do better.
Molars-She is also getting her molars. My goodness, I had no idea teeth could hurt so bad. We went to the dr. the other day to make sure it was just her teeth. She has been just walking around crying. The dr. said all four molars are coming in, and her gums are really swollen. I guess it is a good thing we are getting them all at once!
Owls-The other day while Tate was napping, I was looking on some other people's blog. "Blog Stalking" I guess you could call it. Anyway, several Chi-O's had blogged about the cutest owl pj's I have ever seen. And wouldn't you know...they came from Target. Well, when Tate woke up from her nap we headed to Target, and they had one pair left. Dogs-Tate has always been a big fan of Max and Lennie, but lately she has really been lovin' on Max. They "share" toys, and she tries to give him her milk from her cup. It is actually pretty gross and sweet all at the same time. She has also become obsessed with the book, Good Boy Fergus. She brings it to me several time a day wanting to read it. It is a really cute book. It is by David Shannon. If you have dogs...you should pick it up. Our copy is now missing two pages because it is so loved.
Houses-My neighbors are adding up on their house. They moved out about a month ago. The work on their house is really coming along. It is making me really want to get out of our "little bitty-home sweet home." Robert tells me to stop lusting....I say I am dreaming....it doesn't hurt to dream does it. We have no reason to move right now, but looking never hurts anything. How can I not get this feeling when I looking out my windows and see this all day long:
One day it will be my turn I guess!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 5:29 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I found it!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 12:53 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Who Ever Knew It Could Be So Hard??????
We have been having our master bathroom worked on for about a month now. When I say master bath , it is just a little bathroom with a stand up shower. So, quick job right. Yeah right!! I guess the joys of an old house come out when you start tearing stuff down. Needless to say, we are a month in and finally on the final stretch.
This weekend we are heading to Highland. I had this wild dream my house would be totally put back together, and when we got back Sunday I could live a normal life. Not going to happen.
Well, I have spent about the last 2 weeks looking for a mirror. Couldn't be that hard could it??? I have looked a million places and cannot find one.
Here is when I have been:
Pottery Barn
At Home
Three Sheets
Tricia's Treasures
Home Goods
TJ Max
Tuesday Morning
Hobby Lobby
Antique Market
Hannah's Antiques
(It has been a real blast "lugging" Tate around to all the places mirror hunting let me tell you!)
I am not willing to spend a fortune on a mirror for my little master bath, so I have realized there isn't anything out there. I am not being that much of a penny pincher either. PLEASE HELP! If you have another suggestion on a place I could look, let me know. I will post pictures when it is complete (if it ever is).
Posted by The Robertson Family at 12:39 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Weekend in Atlanta!
This weekend we went to Atlanta with Robert's family. Saturday we went to the aquarium. It was really neat. Saturdays are extremely crowded though. The girls all had a really good time. The rest of the weekend we stayed at Stone Mountain. We always had an interesting time at dinner with everyone. I think each waiter we had deserved a large tip! We only had three kids and that isn't too many??? Dinner always seemed more like a circus....a fun one though.
Posted by The Robertson Family at 6:55 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
McWane Center!
Yesterday we went to the McWane Center with Ana and Campbell. It was a blast. Right now they have two exhibits for young children, "Itty Bitty Magic City" and "Just Mice Size" It was all so cute. When we went left, neither one of them were too thrilled. I think they could have stayed there all day. We will definitely go back!
Posted by The Robertson Family at 7:27 PM 1 comments