Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where shopping is a pleasure (really!!!)

I LOVE Publix. Some people (my husband) say that it is more expensive than other stores. It does not matter to is so pleasant to shop there. About two weeks ago I had taken Max to the vet for another nauseatingly expensive trip. After the vet, I had to go to Publix to get a medicine for him. When I got there, the pharmacist asked me if the medicine I was getting was for my dog. I said yes. She sort of looked at me funny and asked me for $95. I about passed out. After a fat bill at the vet I refused to pay $95 at a human pharmacy for my dog! She was so sweet...she noticed I was not happy (I am not sure how you couldn't). She asked me to call my vet and let her talk to him. She gave him a list of several medicines that they provide for free. And guess what, one of them could do the same job as the $95 medicine. So... I left with a free Medicine from Publix for my dog.

Yesterday, we had to have something filled at the pharmacy for Tate. While we sat there waiting Tate was admiring the Thanksgiving balloons. The sweet lady that was putting out flowers noticed Tate was fascinated by the balloons. She walked over, filled up a balloon for Tate, and gave it to her. I picked up my (once again free) antibiotic, and out we went. A balloon and some ear infection medicine-ALL FOR FREE. That is hard to come by these days. Tate said "Wow" the entire way home. That sweet lady at Publix made her day!


Leslie Watters said...

WOW...We don't have a Publix close to our house (I'd have to drive at least 20 miles)but, I love going when we are in Montgomery.....they are so helpful! FREE?!?