Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Little Secret

This morning I was fixing breakfast (yummy Better Batter pancakes) and I heard Tate whining for something. I peaked around the corner and saw this:

She is into EVERYTHING so I really didn't think much about her pulling the filing cabinet drawer open. I went to close it because I didn't want it to tumble over on her. When I got over there I discovered she has been leaving a small stash in it:

Four pacifiers and a disgustingly old sippy cup of milk. UHHH! What if she had been able to reach that "chunky" cup of milk. She would be one sick cookie. The pacifiers are now in the dishwasher and I couldn't stand the thought of opening that sippy cup, so it is in the trash!


Leslie Watters said...

Hilarious!!! Andrew left me the same little surprise - the nasty cup of milk. He put it in the bottom pull out drawer of the oven - you know the one where you can put baking sheets and pans. So, not only had it been sitting there for however long, but it had been getting hot with the oven!! It was sooooo nasty!

margaret lee said...

oh that is hilaroius! and we know she hides them in presents, too. :)