Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Run, Run Forrest!

Right now I wish I was Forrest Gump and could just "run".

Yes, we just got back from a great week long beach trip, but before that and after that my husband has been out of town. is outrageously frustrating (he is probably going to kill me for writing this). I have a HUGE respect for single parents and military wives (leslie) b/c it is tough stuff being at home all day and night with a baby and two dog.

Tate has an extremely strong personality and has learned to master a "temper tantrum". She is very "clingy" to me right now too. Well, we attempted to go to Supper Club tonight and it wasn't a great idea. Usually she does good. We set up a "pack n play" and she snoozes off about time for dinner. Well, tonight, of course, she chooses to be quite unpleasant. I try to put her down, but she would not have I just think....she can play a little while I eat real quick and then we will leave. Keep in mind there are 3 other babies there, ranging from 7 months to 18months....all acting like angels. As I fix my plate and sit (with her in my lap-and the whole group seated and eating) she just starts screaming. I decide it would be best if we just leave. The sweet host helps me to the car (probably thrilled I finally decided to take her home). My "to go" plate was delicious, but the much wanted company ended up being my TV and not the people I was looking forward to hanging out with (I know this is just a pity party for myself). My mom would probably say it is "cruel" for me to take her to a gathering like that. I think for my sanity the attempt was ok.

When I get sweet dog Max(the lab): shaking his head. Well, if you don't know the story Max has had a "bad" ear since he was a puppy. He was bitten by one of his litter mates in the ear and it grew almost closed up. He had surgury for this (which cost a pretty penny) and he still has chronic ear infections (my next pet will have pet insurance). So the shaking head tonight tells me another ear issue. His ear will probably cause Tate to be a high school graduate only because we have had to "shovel" money into this stinking ear for five years. MAybe she can sell lemonade to get to college. Well, the latest vet told us to get him to Auburn's vet clinic to have them check it out. So tonight on the phone Robert and I are trying to discuss this issue while he is thousands of miles away...and as you can probably ended on not the best terms. I refuse to keep jumping vets with this ear....but to travel back and forth to AU with my sassy Tate and a part time job (which I do love)...not happening any time soon.

Enough on my pity party. Things just didn't roll my way today...that day could have been alot worse. At least Robert has a job to send him places. And thank goodness I have a little girl to be as sassy as she is!


Leslie Watters said...

Glad you ended your pity party on the note of..."things could be worse" That always seems to work for me too. ;)

Hang in there. I hear those tantrums seem to last into their 3's. Andrew has started flinging himself around...i.e. If I'm holding his hands, he'll collapse his arms so he can fall on the ground and roll around whining. Ugh. I guess he is an Army Brat - in every sence of the word.

Leslie Watters said...

Did I mispell sense? oops. Teacher...nice.

Unknown said...

hey jen,
i loved this post. not because you had a bad evening (so been there) but because it gave me a real glimpse into your everyday...
it made me wish (for the millionth time) that ya'll lived closer. i wouldn't have minded a screaming tate. in fact it is kind of familiar. yup, we're related. :)